Wednesday 15 December 2010

I've not updated in FUCKING AGES!

So this was meant to be a good way to track my progress and perhaps some vague information for the odd person who stumbles across it. However I am a lazy wanker. Well. More than that which I may get into in a bit... anyways. MY PROGRESS!

So where I left off in the second to last blog, the whole children question. I finally decided myself that I was willing to forgo children purely because I couldn't afford egg storage myself, I didn't think my parents could afford egg storage for me and I didn't want to delay testosterone for three to five more years when I should (hopefully) have the money. However, finally spoke to my parents about it and my mum is adament I store eggs. We spoke for a good five or ten minutes on the phone about it (aided by the fact I was out with a mate and already had a few drinks in me, I barely ever speak to my parents about anything serious EVER which made coming out to them so hard, and even then I did it whilst on something...). Anyways, my mum's general consensus was that she would pay and I could pay them back once I was earning enough, my dad was less inclined to fund it. But don't take that as him not accepting me, it's more a case of they can't fucking afford it AT ALL which is why I felt bad bringing it up in the first place. My mum said she would find the money though. And I kinda get where she's coming from, I talked to her about how I wanted biological children and was worried I might not love other children, she told me how she really wants biological grandchildren and that not to worry about not loving non biological children as she still loves her step-grandkids, but it's only a natural human urge to want biological ones. She also said she reckoned I was her best hope for biological grandchildren out of the four biological kids she has. That says something about how much she wants grandkids if the tranny is the best hope haha. Or maybe that says something more about my siblings/half siblings. To be fair, one has drink and drug problems and is already well into his 40s, one is a lesbian who doesn't seem intent on settling down anytime soon if at all and the other is straight but I think perhaps has too high standards.

But I digress from what was going to be the main point of this blog. Which I have now forgotten but I think it might have been:-

THE GENDER PANEL MET AND DISCUSSED ME! I got a call from one of the nurses mostly just saying that I had to go to Leeds for the egg storage and that a request had been put in and that the price was more expensive than originally thought ( :( ) and that she didn't know how long the waiting list was but then after that they said...


It had been agreed for me to go on hormones as soon as the egg storage had happened. Cause obviously once you start testosterone and shit it fucks with your woman parts. Now I just have to hope that it isn't too long a waiting list to get some eggs outta me then I'll be on the fucking T.