Thursday 14 October 2010

My Facebook Coming Out Post

If you were curious, this was how I came out to 250+ people. I have removed all references to my past and present names as I desire to keep this blog anonymous for the moment. Although I realise anyone I know already who stumbles across this will recognise it's me from this post.

Title - I'm coming out! (I want the world to know)

Yes that's right, I'm coming out of the big trans closet. It's similar to the big gay closet but instead of hiding gay porn at the back of it, one hides boxer shorts and fake beards.

So that's it, some of you already know, some of you already guessed, few of you, I doubt, will be surprised but I am transgendered, currently receiving treatment for gender identity disorder in Sheffield and intend to return to uni as male in September.

I figured this was the best way of informing remaining people (although I did debate an ad in the anouncement pages of the Bury Free Press). I'm getting a wee bit sick of having the same conversation over and over and also, some of you I rarely get to see in person so forgive this copout method of letting you know. I also thought it might be best to do this now before I got the chance to get drunk and start telling people willy nilly again whether they want to hear about it or not.

If you have any questions at all feel free to message me and I'll answer them for you, perhaps I'll produce an informative FAQ, or else just tell you to bloody google it.

With regards to my name I shall be changing it yet again because sod unisex, I want a male name. And while I think I would make an excellent Oscar or Rupert I have decided to use the name my parents would've used if I had had a penis at birth, that being

But also, be thankful! I represent that rarest of letters in LGBT, I complete your rainbow of friends! I am the LGBT communities equivalent of a star rare pokemon card.

So, male pronouns people. I won't get offended if you slip up now and again but try and remember. Don't tag me in any old photos where I appear female and for the love of god STOP CALLING ME
REMOVED! Keep calling me REMOVED, REMOVED is also still ok as I shall be keeping that as my middle name, REMOVED is where it's at. Yes you do have to use both first names because I like being reminded of the fact that I am like a Roman general.

So yup, that's my news, and while I may have peppered this note with humour, that most English of coping mechanisms, know that I am being serious in this and that I'm not at all doing it purely because Hollyoaks are running an ftm* storyline and, if it's on Hollyoaks, it must be cool! Not that at all.

My real reason is I REALLY wanna see what a Yorkie bar tastes like.

REMOVED formerly... well you remember.

*that's female to male for those unfamiliar with tranny lingo.

PS This will remain up on my profile for approximately two weeks for people to peruse at their leisure, then I shall be removing it before my return to uni.

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