Thursday 14 October 2010


Hi. Call me Mark for now. Like the little pun I did there with my 'name' and the punctuation symbol and gender? No. Well I did and that's all that matters.

So I'm a 21 year old ftm. Been meaning to start a blog for a while now to track my progress throughout this whole transitioning thing. Trouble is I'm lazy and forgetful. So while I had it in my mind to start this shortly after mentioning it to my GP and having my psychological evaluation, I didn't. So now it's half a year later and I've come out to everyone I know back home, started university as male and had my first appointments at the Gender Identity Clinic. I figured I better start this sharpish before I start to forget stuff that's happened.

Sooo depending on how my mood takes me expect lots of posts in the upcoming weeks (and maybe a couple tonight if I can be arsed) detailing past events. I don't know why I am addressing it like people are reading this as initially I am not linking anyone I know to this blog. I think it may be helpful just to type my feelings to no one. But hey, if you stumble across this blog feel free to comment and question me! Speak later dudes.


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