Thursday 28 October 2010

Various occurrences passing/not passing part 1

First time I attempt to pass as male in public at home with friends results in most people not noticing. One drunken girl:-

'Sorry, I don't mean to be rude or anything but are you a boy or a girl?'
'Well, actually I'm transgendered, so I was born female but am male.'
'Oh really that's cool, I just thought I'd ask cause like I wasn't sure but don't mean to offend or anything. That's cool that you're so open about it and that.'

The rest are since I've attended uni.

I was shocked by how easily I passed. I had set up a group on facebook before for people living in the same flats I was that 60 odd people joined so that probably helped slightly as my facebook was male, but still, even going with my all female flatmates to meet other flats I was taken as male. (I will explain more about why I am in/chose to live in an all female flat later)

*going down to meet the flat below (all guys)* everyone introduced themselves.

'And you mate?'
'I'm removed. From Suffolk.'
'Oh, Barney's from Suffolk too.'
Barney - 'You're from Suffolk? Good lad!'

*going into accommodation reception to report a maintenance issue* Guy on phone, 'I have a young gentleman here whose lock appears to be jammed.'

Later on the same incidence I failed to pass to the people fixing my lock. This was only the third time I had failed to pass at uni and I like to think it was to do with the fact that I live in an all female flat within flats that are ALWAYS same gendered. (due to shared bathroom facilities, I emailed to check it was still ok I lived here and was told yes)

1st time I failed to pass was during fresher's week to a randomer who myself and my flatmate were hanging out with.

2nd time was on a bar crawl at a gay bar, one drunk girl was all up in my face saying YOU'RE NOT A BOY I CAN TELL WOMEN'S INTUITION  so eventually I just told them I was trans to get them to shut up.

I'm still slightly surprised when I am referenced in the correct gender. I still find it slightly strange. But within the group of friends I am currently making I obviously pass well enough, especially as one of the lads gave me a rather forceful thump on the arm that hurt quite a bit and I know he's the kind of guy that would never even softly punch a girl. But then I have a low pain threshhold and it's probably good training.

Ok, this blog has ended up rather more erratic than I originally intended but fuck it I can't be arsed to edit. Just gonna post it as is.

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