Thursday 14 October 2010

Trans timeline

Will give more detail on various happenings at some point.

Early 2009 - I talk with a friend. We play a game telling each other stuff we have never told other people. I tell them I think I might have Gender Dysphoria.
June 2009 - A friend tricks it out of me. In conversation 'Don't you ever wish you were born male?' Me, thinking they were applying this to themselves - 'Yeah!' Them 'Really?!' We discuss for a while. I mention my obsession with seeing my medical history incase I was born intersex.
July 2009 - Applied for uni, remember looking at uni LGBT site and reading about trans rep.
September 2009 - Start University. Go on LGBT bar crawl. Ask about who the trans rep is.
A bar crawl a couple of months later..? - Talk to trans rep about the possibility of my being trans whilst drunk. Another friend comes up and asks me if I've pulled. I tell him 'no, I was talking to them about how they think they might by ftm and I think I might be too.' We both forget this conversation as we are both drunk.
A couple of weeks later - trans stuff comes up in conversation. Friend remembers and goes 'OOOH'. I remember and think 'Shit I said that out loud?' Friend smart enough to realise not to mention it in general conversation with other friends.
Slightly after - Me and friend drunk. I bring it up, he tells me what I said and how he assumed I was much more confident about it by how I slipped it into conversation so casually.
Following weeks - we discuss it more at various intervals (possibly with the help of a now illegal substance which is known for its production of 'empathy and willingness to talk' side effects)
Christmas 2009 - Return home. Partake in more of this now illegal substance with home friends. Somehow on to the topic of something wrong in my life. I tell them I'm not ready to say yet. They say ok, so it's nothing medical or anything (they clearly thinking life threatening) I'm like well sort of. End up telling them. They are fine with it and tell me they had always seen me as no gender before anyway.
March 2010 - Tell a close friend who also a flatmate just before easter holidays thus no time to further discuss.
Easter 2010 - Come out to several more close friends (possibly with help of aforementioned drug). One of which a friend had already told. All with accepting responses.
Come out to my half sister (who is gay).

Now the dates become really hard to remember so all vague estimations within a month or two or just gonna miss off.

April 2010 - Mention to GP. Get referral for psychiatric evaluation. Attend psychiatric evaluation. Was told 'I knew I was meeting someone who thought they were transgendered, but when I called your name and you stood up I thought you were male.' This was when I still had longish hair (for a guy) and wasn't binding.

Go home and come out to even more friends, still all to good response.
Attend initial appointment at GID, one intended to clear waiting lists.
Come out to almost all of my close friends.
Late August 2010 - Come out to my sister. Good response. Come out to parents. Good response, not the best but far better than most. Will probably blog about later.
Come out to remaining friends and acquaintances via a facebook note. Overwhelmingly good response from everyone including some whom I don't even know that well.
Early September 2010 - Email university, change name and title, excellent handling on their part.
September 2010 - Initial proper appointments at GIC.

So Um that's the best I can do right now, may edit if I remember further stuff. And will go into more detail over further instances. This is just so you know where I'm at.

And fucking hell am I lucky.

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